When you do business with buyolympia.com, we assure you that your information will be kept confidential and as secure as possible. Our rules are common sense-based ideas that we expect when we shop.
We will not rent or sell or otherwise give out your name, address, email or what your ordered to any third party without your permission. In our over 26 years in business, we've never wavered in this.
We do not store credit card information. When you place an order with us, your payment information is passed securely to our bank (or PayPal if you choose to checkout that way), your card is authorized, and we store the encrypted authorization information—not the actual credit card information. This means you need to enter payment information every time you shop with us, but we feel it's a reasonable trade-off for your security and piece of mind.
When your order from us, we'll only send you email for these reasons:
During checkout, you're asked if you'd like to join our mailing list.
If you join our mailing list you can expect a few regular emails from us:
If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please contact us at help@buyolympia.com.